Tag Archives: cooking

Tweeting from the Twitterverse, Blogging from the Blogosphere

Well, it’s been a while since I tried to maintain a blog. Xanga, way back when, was my outlet for lunacy as an undergrad at the University of Maryland, the site on which I ruminated about everything from American Idol to classmates to bathrooms on campus. I had a good time writing that blog, and I came up with some fairly amusing, inspired stuff. Oh, to have that kind of time on my hand.

Yesterday, my new computer arrived. Windows 7 has really impressed me, but I, as always, was turned off by the amount of pre-installed items Dell expected me to “take advantage” of. Things like WildTangent, IE, MS Media Center, and Windows Live. I promptly uninstalled WildTangent, downloaded Firefox, gave Media Center a try (it’s decent), and told Windows Live I would never go near it.

Then, today, I finally relented on something I’ve only several years behind, and signed up for Twitter. No longer was I unencumbered by the innocuous blue bird that has basically hastened the downfall of society as we know it. Now I found myself firmly encumbered, a slave to its mish-mosh of links, twitpics, witticisms, and nuances. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Anyway, it brings me to this. I figure, I’m a moderately interesting writer, and I’ve cultivated three passions that seem to spark interest in others: my life as a teacher, my life as a photographer, and my life as a chef (“amateur cook”) is more like it. And here we are. A brand new, shiny blog, that I aim to maintain. Eeks, it sounds like a New Year’s resolution at this time of year, but I’m going to look to get 3-5 posts down each week. And they’re going to be substantive. (I don’t know if I believe that myself, but for now, why not?)

So, enjoy the ride with me. I’ve got interesting things to say about those three facets of my life. That’s how I feel, but you’ll probably close out this window as soon as you start reading.

And then tweet about it to all your friends.